Current Track: Blabb

SoFurry Knowledge Base

Upload Settings

Created 6 months ago - Updated 6 months ago


The SFX uploader offers many new features previously unavailable on SF2. We will go through the possible options one-by-one and describe what their effects are here.


This topic will only cover the submission settings. Content-specific settings are covered in a different article.


The title of your upload. This will show up in previews when your submission has been linked by external services.

The description of the upload. It should be a short summary of what your submission is about and will be shown in detailed searches and links on external services.

The category your upload is intended to be in. Choosing the category and type will have a significant imact in your editor options (See additional info on editor settings for details).
The type specifically will have imact on how your upload is displayed. For example, Artwork / Comic will format your upload into a view specifically designed for comics (two pages side-by-side if device allows and page change options).

These tags will help users find your submission by searching for tags included in your upload. You do not have to specify any tags, however it is heavily discouraged as this might impact discoverability of your upload. Make sure your tags only include relevant (applicable to this specific submission) specifiers. Tags are specified by commas, and spaces in tags are allowed. Tags do not allow any special characters.

The thumbnail of your upload which will be displayed in searches and previews.

Cover (not displayed)

Only available for the categorisation Music / Album, Artwork / Comic or Writing / Book.

Gives you the ability to upload a separate cover with your submission. This Cover will be used to generate thumbnails (if not provided) and be displayed as the first page on visual submissions, or as the cover for music albums.

Age rating
This will limit the amount of users your upload will be displayed to. Unless the browsing user is over the age of concent, and their account is set to display NSFW content, uploads set as Mature or above will not be visible or viewable to these users.

Anonymous users will still be able to view your upload using the direct link, however they will be warned about possible sensitive content before being shown the submission view. Setting the age reating to Mature and above will also limit external site previews to displaying a "This submission contains mature material - Please log in to view" message instead of embedding the submission.


The privacy options let you control who can view your upload.

Private: Nobody other than you can view this submission. You need to be signed in with the same account you have created this upload with and it will not show up in any searches or recommendations.
Unlisted: Anyone with the link to the submission can view it (anonymous or logged in). However, your upload will not show up in any searches or recommendations. This can be used to share private art with selected people or provide an early-access link before making the upload public later.
Public: Anyone can view the submission and it will show up in searches as well as recommendations. It will also show up in your profile gallery.

Allow Downloads

Shows a download button on the sidebar to download the entire submission with all content. This will also enable the ability for users to download only specific content (download button on individual images).

Please note that disabling this option will not prevent people from still being able to download your content in other ways, although never in original quality (unless pixel-perfect is enabled or optimize display images is disabled).

Custom download file (SF+)

This option is only available on Writing / Story.

Allows you to upload a custom PDF, HTML or docx file that will replace the autogenerated download zip when users use the download button in the sidebar. This will allow you to provide the file as intented to your viewers instead of letting SFX take care of the formatting.

Optimize display images

In order to provide the smoothes possible browsing experience for all devices mobile and stationary, SFX will automatically scale and compress your uploads for the most efficient display on the submission view. This will make your submissions load significantly faster while not noticably impacting visual quality. If, for some reason, you do not like the way SFX compresses and scales your images and want to provide the best quality viewing experience even without full-screening the content, you can disable the option for your upload to be displayed exactly as you uploaded it. This only applies to the submission view, and has no impact on downloads, previews or thumbnails.

Pixel-perfect display

The submission view will always try to scale the provided image to best use the screen real-estate available by the device. This, however, might not be benefitial for specific pieces of content such as pixel-art, where a 1:1 pixel mapping is preferred. Enabling this option will automatically disable "optimize display images" (show the uploaded image directly) and disable any client-side scaling for a 1:1 display.

Allow comments
Controls if users can leave comments on your upload.

Mark as Work In Progress
If enabled, a "WIP" mark will be shown on the sidebar to indicate that this submission is not yet complete and may be extended in the future. Additionally, for Artwork / Comic views, this will display "The end (for now)" instead of just "The end". In the future, users will also be notified of significant changes to uploads marked as WIP.

Intended as advertisement
If you want to upload a YCH reminder, Patreon link or something alike, you can mark it as advertisement to not be displayed in searches, but still show up on your profile and have your followers be notified.

Available for purchase
If this piece of content can be bought, you can display a link to the storefront offering your content by enabling this option.